Editorial Office

Tina Köth-Kley M. A. joined the OPERA project as a research fellow in July 2016. She studied musicology and English at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and the University of York, completing her studies with a master’s thesis on „ballet music in Stuttgart in the 18th century“. She is currently working on her dissertation on Louis Spohr’s opera Faust.

Janette Seuffert M. A. studied musicology, theatre sciences (with special emphasis on music theatre) and music education at Bayreuth University and the Høgskolen and Universitetet in Bergen, Norway. She completed her studies with a master’s thesis on Agostino Steffani and the Munich court opera. Since 2009 she has been a research assistant and editor at the project OPERA ¬ Spectrum of European Music Theatre in Separate Editions. Besides her editorial work she has held several teaching appointments in musicology.

Dr. Christin Seidenberg joined the OPERA project as a research fellow in February 2017. She studied musicology, philosophy and art history at the Technical University of Dresden, the University of Vienna and the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, completing her studies with a master’s thesis on Mozart’s Don Giovanni, examining the sources and their filiation. From 2007 to 2009 she was a student assistant and from 2009 to 2011 a freelancer for the Neue Schubert-Ausgabe (Tübingen). On 11-05-2022 she received the PhD with a thesis on the sacred music of Antonio Lotti from the Universität Koblenz-Landau (summa cum laude) after having been supported by a grant from the German National Academic Foundation, the German Historical Institute (Rome) and the German Study Centre (Venice).

Sebastian Biesold M.A. studied musicology and medieval history in Dresden and Vienna and graduated with a thesis on the violinist Francesco Maria Cattaneo (c1697–1758). After working as a research assistant and lecturer at the Universities of Dresden, Halle-Wittenberg and Bonn, as well as a visiting scholar at the Haydn Institute in Cologne and as a lecturer at the Mannheim University of Music, he has been a research assistant in the OPERA project since 2020. His PhD dissertation, which is currently in its final stages, is dedicated to Pietro Torri and the oratorio at the courts of the Wittelsbach dynasty around 1700 (funded by the DAAD and others). He is co-editor of the volume Bearbeitungen von Arien und Ensembles anderer Komponisten, 2. Folge, of the Complete Edition Joseph Haydn Werke (XXVI/4; Munich 2021).